Jun 18, 2006

With Family Like This...

...Who needs enemies...?

On Thursday afternoon, I realized that I was really, really bored. And I started worrying about Orientation, which is (finally!) starting on Monday. And then I worried more. And more. And I knew that way lay in front of me was a weekend of worrying. And boredom. Those two feelings are two of the top ones that cause me to do something that I really shouldn't do: shop.

I decided that a better use of my time and money would be to go home for the weekend! I was going to drive - I am an expert at long road trips now, after all - but 20-some hours of driving in one weekend seemed a tad excessive. Miraculously, I discovered that I still had miles on Alaska Airlines (from my year in Alaska - four years ago!), so I was able to get a half-price ticket! Thus, Friday morning found me in Portland - surprising both of my parents.

I do love surprises - an added benefit of going home last-minute. I also got to save a few bucks on shipping for my Father's Day present! Plus, who wouldn't want to spend time with people like this?!?:

My parents recently acquired a portable fire-pit thingy, so last night, we celebrated Father's Day by whipping up some S'mores and singing songs around the campfire. Okay, that's a lie. We didn't sing. We did tell some bad jokes, though.

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