Jun 6, 2006


Natty Gann!

Lindsay guessed the name right! That means she gets to be the cat's honorary godmother. Woo-hoo, Lindsay!

Natty Gann is so sweet! I brought her home, showed her the litter box, and gave her some food. The pic above is of her first few minutes in the apartment - she wolfed down the food. She is such a scrawny little thing, she definitely needs it.

After eating, she came over to me and just wanted me to pet her and pet her and pet her. No scratching or biting at all. Thank goodness - that is my biggest cat issue.

She does have this crazy walk, that for some reason makes me think of Voldemort.

I think the poor thing lived in a house once upon a time - she certainly is well-mannered - but was either abandoned or ran away. I don't know when she was injured, but it definitely affected her ability to get food. I don't know if she can really jump much yet. She's tended to stay at her lowest electric state (grounded... that's a really bad chemistry joke...). But she was also sedated today in preparation to get spayed. Turned out she had already been 'altered,' so she didn't need surgery.

So... Realizing I'm turning into Scary Cat Lady by describing every little detail about Natty Gann.

Instead, let me tell you: 1. That I got a new cell phone! If I had more attachments to NC, I could have saved that number like so many people do when they move, but... Well. I don't really want a NC number. So now I have a California number. And a tiny little phone (click on that link to see it, Mom) and 2. That my home phone number spells a word! I've always wanted a number that spells a word!!!

Natty Gann is sitting on the floor in my dark bedroom.

Cats are weird...

(but not as weird as Crazy Cat Ladies)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You know, I would have guessed Natty Gann had I read your blog earlier. But I was working. And busy. And Lindsay works at AF. Soooo. Yea.