Jun 8, 2006

License to Drive

Since I graduated from high school (ten years ago, for those keeping track), I have only lived in Oregon for about one year. I've lived in Minnesota, Alaska, North Carolina and now California. But, until today, I always maintained my Oregon residency, including my Oregon driver's license.

I was going to get an NC license (long story), but I failed the written test. Computer test, actually. I missed one question, and it tells you right away - that threw off my stride. Plus the NC test had lots of violation-specific questions (i.e. what is the fine for driving under the influence) and, well, I tend to stay away from the violations, preferring, instead, to just be a good driver. Ultimately, I decided taht I didn't need an NC license, so I just kept the Oregon one.

But now that I'm a 'doctor' and an 'adult' with a 'real job,' I have to get a new driver's license.

So, I made an appointment online for the Sacramento DMV, and this morning went in to Take the Test. Based on my past failure, I was a tad nervous. (Incidentally, a recent study showed that 1 in 11 drivers would fail a state driving test. how would you do?)

Surprisingly, California still has a paper test, which is hand-graded. I do better with paper tests.
I even got a smile-y face.

So, yay! I passed! They took my picture for a license, but (unlike Oregon) they didn't give it to me today. They apparently mail it to me in a couple of weeks. I don't know if the picture was any good, but it has to be better than this:

After the DMV, which was right by the hospital, I stumbled upon a Trader Joe's. Thrilling! A great grocery store just a few minutes away from my place of employ - on the way home, even. That is exactly what I was looking for.

Natty Gann update: Overnight she figured out how to get into my bed. Which explains why I woke up hanging over the edge of my (queen-sized) bed.

She also found a new place to sleep.

1 comment:

Kris said...

When was that picture of you taken?? You look like my grandma!