Jun 6, 2006

Coming Soon...

Eek! I'm off to run a few errands, one of which is: getting my cat!

The vet actually called this morning to 'make sure I knew' (I didn't) that the cat has a limp. She thinks that at some point the cat's pelvis was broken, and healed on its own. It shouldn't cause any major problems, but she (the cat, not the vet) will probably have arthritis in later life.

I don't know what to do with that information...


I realized as I showered this morning, that I still didn't have a cat name. I thought and thought and then, suddenly - as happens so often in the shower - inspiration!

I will be naming my cat after a character in one of my favorite childhood movies!

It is a movie I own.
About a scrappy young girl.
Who was abandoned.
And finds her way home...

Any guesses?

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