May 30, 2012

Day 89: Head Control

Marian's head control is getting better every day! She can sit in the Boppy chair for a few minutes at a time before she starts to slump over. She loves being where the action is, and seems to really like sitting up so she can see everything.

She is also getting so much bigger! Her cheeks look chubbier (and cuter) every day as well.  Her nose is red in the picture because I had just wiped it after she had a snotty sneeze :)

May 19, 2012

Day 78: To Grandmother's House We Go!

11 weeks old and she has already conquered her first plane trip! I was 7 before I flew anywhere (it was to Iowa with my dad and I was SO excited).  And all the way through college, I could actually list every flight I had ever taken.  That has long passed, of course! And I am sure that by the time Marian is 7 years old she will have flown many more times.

She did great today - asleep before we took off and slept the whole way, even through landing!

She is very happy to be visiting the family now!

May 11, 2012

Day 70: Communication

So, it has taken 10 weeks, but I am finally starting to get a grip on what Marian needs when she cries.  For the longest time, every time she made a peep, I would feed her.  Or Marc would change her diaper.  Then, later, I'd have to change her outfit after she spit up (and Marc would take out the garbage full of semi-dirty diapers).

But, now, I can tell when she is bored or lonely - she does a sort of squawky yell, like "pay attention to me!"  And when she is tired, she gets whiny and shakes her head back and forth, like "leave me alone!".  And when she is hungry, she turns into ANGRY BABY!, which clearly means, "FEED ME!"  Dirty diaper falls somewhere in between tired and hungry.

And when she is happy, she smiles! And is starting to laugh! I love that!  The smiles aren't very sustained, so it is hard to catch on camera, but they are certainly becoming more numerous.  And she is babbling and cooing more, as well.  I realize these are all normal baby things to do (including the cries), but I totally feel like my baby is a genius!

May 8, 2012

Day 67: Wild Things

We hope Marian loves reading as much as we do.  Today we read her Where the Wild Things Are in honor of Maurice Sendak. Such a great book!

Marian made a monster face in honor of it. Then proceeded to have a wild rumpus!

May 2, 2012

Day 61: Two Months Old

Two months ago, our lives changed immensely! The past two months have simultaneously sped by and been the longest two months of my life. I have not slept for more than 4 hours and 15 minutes in a row in that time (and that long only twice).  I have been pooped on, peed on, spit up on, screamed at and had my pleas for patience blatantly ignored. And I have discovered that one little smile makes all of that seem completely irrelevant.  It is awesome.  Tiring and frustrating, but awesome!

And we celebrated this landmark with a visit to the doctor and her first set of vaccines.  Poor baby! 

I didn't cry when she got the shots. I did get teary beforehand when I was thinking about it, though.  She did great with the shots - screamed for a few seconds, then let us comfort her, then fell asleep.  She slept a lot today, but did get a low grade fever this evening.  Man, that is rough on a mom! (Though a pediatrician thinks, "Great! Her immune system works!")

She now measures:
11 lbs, 5 oz (70%ile)
23-3/4 inches long (97%ile)

I can't wait to see how she grows and develops over the next two months and beyond!

Though, really, she is growing way to fast!