Jun 3, 2005


I tend to like certain scary movies. Not ones that are just all about gore and making you jump just because they can. Movies like The Shining, though, stick with me.

Which may explain why I got chills as I stood waiting for an elevator, and two little girls with brown hair and wearing identical dresses came up. I half expected to be drenched with blood when the elevator finally did come.

Then, on the elevator (the creepy girls didn't get on, thank goodness) was a barefoot, stringy haired, dentition-challenged (aka missing a few teeth) lady holding the hand of her barefoot, stringy haired little girl. She burst into tears and started going off how she couldn't find her children and something about her husband. I half expected to see a man with a shotgun taking aim at me when I finally got off the elevator.

Good grief. Maybe I watch too many movies... I'm just glad these things didn't happen at night!

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