Jun 5, 2005

Music Survey Thing-a-ma-bob

Amount of music on your computer?
After suffering two major computer crashes (before which I had a couple thousand songs), I don't trust my laptop to keep any music. I have probably about 20 somgs on there right now, consisting of the free songs that you can get from iTunes every week... I'd say I like about half of them, which means I have about 10 usable songs on my computer. Rock on!

Currently listening to?
The Tonys! I've been obsessed with the song Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap lately. Who, incidentally, is the lead singer of Frou Frou.

Five songs that mean a lot to you?
This is one of the most impossible questions to answer. Ever. In the history of questions.

1. Cecilia by Simon and Garfunkel. For reasons unbeknownst (good grief! how do you spell that?) to me, I ended up roaming the halls of an empty dorm with the rest of my res life staff a couple of days before the freshmen arrived during my junior year of college. It is just such a happy song, and makes me think of all the good times I had in college. Cheesy, no?

2. Beautiful Savior is a song that will always make me cry. The St. Olaf choir would sing it at the end of every performance they did. I wasn't actually in the choir, having a voice resembling... well, not someone who'd sing in a choir anyway. Christmas Fest every year ended with the whole gymnasium (because God forbid they actually get a performance hall at a school renowned for its music a performance hall) would just resonate with this song. So, look, it is another college song! I should have included Um Ya Ya on the list...but I won't...

3. Jem's They is a song that I could listen to all day on repeat. It just has an infectious rhythm and tune and the lyrics are somewhat political, which is cool. Everyone should have a little social rebellion in their songs, no? This is also a song that was introduced to my by a great friend at a time when I really needed good friends, so it, of course, reminds me of her.

4. The Origin of Love from Hedwig and the Angry Inch is remarkable if only for the fact that it puts Plato in rhyme, adds some music and is then sung by East German transvestite. The first time I saw Hedwig was in Alaska while I was there in AmeriCorps, so this is one of my Alaska songs.

5. Man, I'm on the last already? No fair. In deference to all the songs I've forgotten, I'll leave this one open. I could mention Moondance, Son of a Preacher Man, Happy Birthday, Daisy, Stop in the Name of Love, 5000 Miles, Edelweiss, Pines of Rome... plus more songs that all have memories attached to them. You expect me to choose one memory above the others? Impossible.

Top five albums?
Rarities, B Sides and Other Stuff by Sarah McLachlan.
Lost and Gone Forever by Guster.
Rent by the Cast of Rent.
House Carpenter's Daughter by Natalie Merchant.
One by the Beatles.

Of course, these are just the ones that come immediately to mind. I reserve the right to rescind and or replace any of these at any time.

Last album bought?
The OC mix, volume 2. Tee-hee! It is actually quite smashing and I heart it greatly.

Recent discoveries?
Imogen Heap, Finger Eleven... other stuff...

And the baton goes to:
Melissa Jo
My mother, who should get off her butt and start her own blog, already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who would want to hear anything I have to say? Maybe you don't know this but....I'm not that interesting!

Your lazy mother