Jun 20, 2005

Deja Vu, Is That You?

Moving beyond my utter shock to find myself already in the third month of fourth year, I have to face that daunting task of again studying for the boards.

Adoring Crowd: But... I thought you took those last year?
World-Weary Brenna: I did.
AC: And I thought you passed.
WWB: I did.
AC [bewilderedly]: Then why...?
WWB: Ahh, you see: last year was only one step in a three-step testing process. Some liken these tests to 'hoops' that must be 'jumped through.' I am currently studying for the second hoo - I mean test. Another long test day awaits me at the end of the month - nine hours this time, instead of eight. Plus, I get the added excitement of driving five hours to Atlanta to take an English test. Officially, it is known as the "Clinical Skills" portion of the exam where we talk to actors (aka standardized patients) to prove that we can 1) Speak English and 2) Know where to place our stethoscope. All for the bargain price of $1420...

Anyway. I do get a full four weeks off to study for Step 2. It is kind of nice to return to my roots, as it were. This is comfort zone, after all. I may not know much about taking care of patients, but I know how to study, my friends.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Hey Brenna,
Well, you may know how to study, but I have forgoten. Can it take place on a couch with the TV on? Can it take place at my desk with the computer on? Can it take place in a dirty-messy apartment? Can it take place at work? I can't seem to remember how to do this. Please help.
Your studious friend