Jun 6, 2005

TV for Geeks

Ahhh... it is summertime. Time for the beach babes and surfer dudes to head out to perfect their tans. And times for geeks like me to retreat to the air-conditioned indoors because the sun hurts my eyes and the summer air frizzes my hair. (Plus the 50+ hours a week I'm spending at work not lending themselves to daylight)

This is the time of year when I really get some good for-fun reading done. I do like the sunshine, I just prefer to be sitting in it indoors with a fan and a Diet Pepsi most of the time.

I also get more reading done, though, because there is nothing on television! Television is really the bane of my existence, and I wish I didn't watch it at all, but that is totally and completely beside the point.

Point being that there are two new shows that appeal to my total geek-ness. It is fantastic! Though I fear it will interfere with my summer reading...

The first: Beauty and the Geek. I fully acknowledge that this is a show executive produced by Ashton Kutcher, of all people AND that it is a show that plays horribly to outdated stereotypes of the dumb bombshell and too-geeky-to-function guy... But it is just so funny! These guys are like... well, like me, really. Pasty white skin and all. Granted I have a tad more social skills than they do, but I still understand them. Them's my people.

The second show: The Scholar which I fully acknowledge is being at least partially funded by Wal-Mart (whose book section is abysmal and whose actual motivation towards 'education' I seriously doubt) But, again, these is my people. These are high schoolers competing neck-and-neck in competitions that are made to make you feel smart! Like the three switches-three light bulbs problem. There are three switches (1, 2, 3) that turn on three lights (A, B, C) on the other side of a wall. With only one trip to the other side, how can you determine which switch controls which light. Think about it... Feel that warm little lightbulb of discovery pop above your head yet? This show is great, because it takes me back to high school, and I'm actually all like "IN YOUR FACE KID!" when I know the answer to a literature question that they don't. Of course, I am 26, but still... I knew Call of the Wild as a high school grad, too!

My geeky heart is all atwitter with the television shows that have been granted to me this summer. Sigh... I'll have to put off reading the rest of the Douglas Adams series for a few weeks...

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