Jun 29, 2005

Thank You, Chloe

I've never been much of a concert-goer, generally preferring theater to over-priced, eardrum-bursting crazy fests. But even I could not resist the lure of going to an outdoor Dave Matthews Band concert, and that was where I would have been found last night.

As a side note, when I told my sister that I was going, her first comment was "Heh. There is going to be so much pot." which caused me to have a dream about me and Susan having to go to the emergency room, and they did a drug test on Susan, and it came back positive for cannabinoids, and I was trying to get someone to believe me that it was all because we'd been exposed to second hand pot smoke. I woke up before any dream doctors believed me...

Back to the concert. We left with plenty of time to get there by the time Dave should have been on the stage. We didn't account for the fact, however, that the ENTIRE WORLD was going to be driving down the same road at the same time. We got within probably a mile of the venue, and it took us OVER AN HOUR - nigh on an hour and a HALF, even - before we actually got to park. At one point during this adventure of static insanity, a young girl appeared at my window, as if by magic.

Girl: Are you guys waiting in line for Dave Matthews?
Us: We think so...
Girl: So are we. I can't believe this. I'm getting really pissed off!
Us: Ha, yeah, so are we.
Girl [smiles brightly]: I'm Chloe!
Us: Hi... We're Brenna and Susan.

Then she left, and I noticed a gigantic flower painted over her shoulder. I wished I'd thought to paint a gigantic flower on my shoulder...

After another thirty minutes or so, during which time we realized that the parking lot was FULL, a cop finally told us to "just park on the sidewalk up there." She looked quite defeated and exasperated.

Finally, finally, we made it into the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater and saw Dave and band rockin' away. Susan and I wended our way to a spot with an okay view and stood bopping around for a while.

Then, as if by magic, Chloe appeared! (There were like 5 BILLION people there, yet there was Chloe) She informed us that she was in a better spot and took us there. And better it was! In the center, as far forward as you could get with the cheap tickets. Very, very nice. Thank you, Chloe! Granted, this did put us in pot central, but at least everyone was really happy, and neither Susan nor I did, in fact, have to go to the emergency room or undergo random drug testing.

The one last note I have to make is this: I'm getting old. There were definitely people at the concert (not in pot-central) that were older than me, but not all that many. And I spent the whole concert with at least 25% of my brain watching everyone around me making sure that they weren't lighting each other on fire (almost happened), getting alcohol poisoning (almost happened), or breaking bones (almost happened repeatedly) as I knew that Susan and I would be the ones that would have to take control and save the day.

I guess I have a new reason to not go to concerts...!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

HA! That's a good story. The only conflict in it is that Dave Head's (true Dave Head's that is) dont get pissed off....

Unless you're the government.