Jun 23, 2005


I realized that I haven't written a post in a while, so I decided that I should write something. Then I realized how boring my life has been for the past couple of days! This whole studying thing has taken all the drama out of my life. I suppose that is good, as long as it is only for a few weeks.

This is how my days have been going lately:
8:30 - Get up, cook (!) breakfast (eggs and toast)
9:00-12:00 - Study at home (interspersed with numerous games of Minesweeper)
12:00-1:00 - Lunch, while watching an episode of Faerie Tale Theatre - unbelievably, there were ones I didn't see as a child!
1:00-3:00 - Work out and shower (notice that I spent the morning all dirty and nasty - thus the studying at home)
3:00-6:00 - Study away from home (Barnes and Noble, Panera, Library, etc.)
6:00-7:00 - Dinner
7:00 and on - watch TV, re-re-read Harry Potter (in preparation for July 16th!)

Same thing, day in, day out. How monotonous. And today was only the fourth day of it! I am quite proud that I have kept to my schedule so well. I don't tend to stick terribly well to schedules... I guess because things like this happen - having absolutely NOTHING interesting to say. Isn't it horrible?

Maybe tomorrow I'll throw caution to the wind and... get up at 9! See, but then I'd miss my episode of A Different World during breakfast. What's a girl to do?

In other news, all this working out has made me EXTREMELY sore. Today, instead of going to the Y, I thought I'd take it easy, and merely did a 7 mile jaunt around Salem Lake. Idjit. I can barely move now. Except to type, of course... and to turn pages in my study books (darn it!)

And finally, "Meanwhile Back on the Farm" has TRUE meaning to me after 27 years of existence, now that my "Permanent Address" has changed officially today to my parent's new FARM! They are, as I type, moving out of our home of some 17 years to a new home. It is a mere 6.5 miles away in distance, but it will truly be a new life. My poor mother is stuck for an indeterminate amount of time without Internet OR Television (for some reason the Green Acres theme pops into my mind)... Send her happy thoughts, people.


Melissa said...

Minesweeper is the devil's game. I'm soooo addicted. It's all I do. I always loose. Unless I win. But normally I loose.

I HATE IT. and I love it.

Brenna said...

I know... I cannot understand why it is so addictive, but it certainly is. Especially now that I have a real mouse for my laptop (I inherited it with the yearbook computer) instead of the little red dot.