Jun 13, 2005

Very Disturbing

Okay, like any good 20's-something female (27 now, post-birthday!), I am expert at 'googling' people. Being extra-savvy, I also google myself occasionally, just to see what sort of info people are getting on me. Up to this point, it has mostly been college stuff - with a couple of pretty bad college group pictures that are fun to look at and laugh. But TODAY, when I googled my pretty little self, I find the last entry on the page is a link to SEXY PORN PICRURES

The last time I checked, I was not in any sexy porn pictures. That photo of me from analytical chem lab is anything but sexy. (Unless you're really into goggles, I guess...eew.)

Also disturbing and just plain odd is the entry before the sexy porn pics: it is a link to people with my surname. Included on the list is someone named 'Vagina.' Vagina?!? Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Vagina, but people call me Vag... I guarantee that child didn't find any of those pre-printed pens/keychains etc. with their name on it.

If you are looking for other things to do with Google there are a few fun things. I suppose they are better than e-stalking, too...you never know when you'll end up in porn photos...


Lesley said...

Think yourself lucky. By googling my own name I discovered that it is an anagram of "really shag me." Maybe you have to be British to appreciate the awfulness of that.

Darnell Clayton said...

You should check out Googlism which searches for specific words and let you know what Google thinks about it. You can also check out some pretty cool Google Hacks on the internet. :)

Anyways...just want to let you know your blog was featured several days ago on Blogger Delights which gives highlights about blogs from various nations as well as celebrating birthdays around the blogosphere. Congrats!