Aug 4, 2005

Class Rank

One unfortunate aspect of medical school is the fact that we have to be graded. Along with the grading, goes the ranking. Class ranking. It is a hateful way to determine who is the best, and who is the... not so best.

At the end of first and second years of school, I was ranked at 46 (I think? 40-something anyway) of 104. I was totally okay with that. Not thrilled - we all want to be number one, right? - but not at all bothered.

Today, we just got our ranks for third year. I did okay during third year. I passed everything. No honors, no low passes. I did almost always get honors in the sub-categories "Health Care team rapport," "Patient rapport/Professionalism," and "Motivation/Attitude toward learning." (See - I'm nice and I'm interested. Not always the brightest bulb in the package, but at least people like having me around.) I don't know what I was expecting my new rank to be, but I find myself a tad disappointed. My rank is now 71 of 98. Again - not horrible (not in the bottom quartile anyway...barely) - but this time, I am... not happy.

Though, I did just go back and look and saw that this was JUST my third year rank, so hopefully the 46 of 104 will bring me back up a little bit in the ranks. Not that residency programs see that, though. They'll see the 71.

In the end, though, I am more proud of the things that I do excel in. I'd rather have my patients like me than have the correct answer 100% of the time. I am less likely to get sued that way for one; plus it will just be a better experience overall. And as far as residencies go - I just have to get my foot in the door and get an interview. Once I get that far, I should be fine.

On a separate, scary note - I will apparently be getting my Step 2 scores any day now. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You rank #1 in my book!