Aug 10, 2005

Oh, Y!

Anyone who has been around me for a good length of time knows that I love the YMCA. It is like an oasis away from regular life where people go and get all sweaty and look nasty and no one can think bad of them because they're working out. Fantastic.

Another reason that I particularly love my particular Y is that there is a full work-out area in the women's locker room. Which means that, if I'm feeling particulary icky or girlish, I can get my sweat on away from prying male eyes. And there's a sauna and a hot tub and a swimming pool! Okay, the swimming pool isn't in the locker room, but you can get to it from there.

One thing I always did in the women's area was running on the treadmill. It is mostly because I turn a very distinctive shade of fuchsia. Plus I'm not the most graceful runner (I've been known to throw my CD player flying many a time). But one day a few weeks ago, I ended up on a treadmill next to a girl who inspired me to move to the treadmill in the upstairs, co-ed area.

I first came across this girl in the weight room. She spent half an hour - HALF an HOUR on a machine I was waiting for. It struck me at the time that she looked like a girl I'd gone to elementary school with. Except an evil version. Evil Elementary School Girl. She seems to live at the Y, too. I see her there a lot - always scowling.

So, back to the treadmill incident. I was innocently running my merry little way on the treadmill when EESG came up and started zipping away next to me. After a while, I noticed that she kept looking over at me. I generally tend to look around me as I run, too, so I thought nothing of it at first. But she KEPT doing it. Then I started to get angry. How dare the little punk judge me? At least I was trying! So what if I wasn't good. But, I finally realized she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at her ass in the mirror (yes I just used the word ass - it just seemed appropriate here). Stupid EESG was so fascinated with her own ass that she had to stare at it the whole time she was running. Who was she trying to impress? The 50 year old woman on the other treadmill?

Anyway. That annoyed me so greatly, that I graduated to the Big Girl treadmills. Which is nice, because it is a lot less hot and humid working out in an area where there is no sauna!

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