Aug 9, 2005

"My Daughter-In-Law Has it Worse Than You"

There is a woman working in the pediatrics neurology clinic who is... less than fully socially adept, I'll say. You know the type - if you make eye contact with them, they'll launch into their whole, long, drawn-out, tragic history (Granted, this particular woman really did experience a tragedy) while you sit there squirming, thinking 'Wait? Am I supposed to know you?' and 'How do I gracefully exit the room without looking like a jerk.'

After several such situations with this woman, it appears that we're on friendly terms now. She has now progressed to accidentally insulting me! Yesterday, I had the beginning of a conversation I have, oh, probably once or twice a month:

Other person (usually older woman): Is your hair naturally curly? (alternately: Is that your real hair?)
Me [humbly brushing hair out of face, and scowling on the inside]: Yes.

This is usually followed by a comment along the lines of: it's beautiful / you're very lucky / do you know how much people pay to get hair like that / etc. To which I generally reply: thanks / I know / Haha! All while thinking - jeez people, it's only hair!

Yesterday, however, as I was preparing to pretend to not be annoyed, I was surprised to hear Neuro Lady say: "My daughter-in-law has it even worse than you!"

Even worse than me?! I didn't have a response to that. Which was, as it turned out, okay, as Neuro Lady launched into several ways I could attpempt to straighten my hair. I just smiled and nodded...

No one has ever made me appreciate my curly hair as much as she did!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

HAHAHAHA, I so relate. :)