Aug 3, 2005

Money Money Money

One thing that apparently goes along with any final year at a private school is the official Asking for Money. It really does get a tad annoying, when I just received my latest loan installment. Yes, I will be close to 200,000 dollars in debt by the time I graduate. That is a lot of money. I can't even comprehend how much money that is. And now they're asking me to donate some to the school? What money is this that I'm supposed to be donating, may I ask?

I do actually make piddly donations (we're talking five bucks) to my undergrad. The only reason I do it is so that they can say a certain percentage of my class gives back to the school - it makes the school look better on those ranking lists when alumni give back. I had even been planning on giving a paltry amount to my med school this year, too - again, just to add to the percentage.

But today, I got a letter from them asking for money - and my NAME WAS SPELLED WRONG.

Sorry guys. No money from "Breanna."

1 comment:

The one and only Tree said...

I totally understand...I mean...If they really want money...the least they could do is spell your name right!

I once got an award from work and someone who I had worked with for 4 years emailed me a congrats...AND SPELLED MY NAME WRONG. is spelled right in could she go wrong. Obviously she just didn't care.