Sep 13, 2005

Overachievers Anonymous

Seeing as the attending I'm supposed to be working with is gone for the rest of the week, one would think this would be a perfect opportunity to sit back, relax and enjoy what is left of the summer. While that is true to a certain extent, I'm also thankful for this time for a more practical reason: I have stuff to do! I have this teeny-tiny little problem. I participate. Initially, I think of it as 'getting involved,' but without fail that turns into 'helping plan' and sometimes progresses all the way to 'being in charge.' This would not be a bad thing at all, except when everything starts to happen all at once and I'm left with too much to humanly finish in my allotted time.

My name is Brenna, and I'm an over-achiever.

I've had this problem since high school. I thought that medical school would cure me of it. I tried to convince myself that I was like the other pre-meds in college - only participating to pad my resume. I tried to deny the fact that I just love, love, love organizing and planning and being in charge (read: having an excuse to be bossy). Alas, I ended up in med school with all of those resume-padding participators, who wanted nothing to do with responsibility as soon as they got that hot little acceptance letter in their hand. Thus, I found myself... planner... treasurer... secretary... skit actor... slide-show-putter-togetherer... editor in chief of the yearbook... and now Student Chair of the Health and Effectiveness Committee. [Note: there are a few select other people that I include with me in my little club of OCD overachievers - Susan, of course being one of them]

What it comes down to is this: I have a week free to get as much of the yearbook and the new HEC member orientation done as I can.

Which may explain some of my annoyance right now. See, I had a meeting at noon, after which I was going to work on the yearbook, but I had cramps, so I had to go home to take copious amounts of Advil, but then when I got back to school the yearbook computer wouldn't go online, inducing me to bring it to Academic Computing where they took it hostage to install Windows XP, and I had to find a different computer to log onto to work on the yearbook, and right when I was in the middle of a very time-consuming part, a classmate came up and basically kicked me off because that was the ONLY place in the WORLD where she'd saved her CV and she just had to have it right then, so I had to move to a different computer (this one) that has a really annoying keyboard, forcing me to hit the backspace key at least forty time while typing this post.

At least I have the satisfaction of knowing that my CV has a lot more worthy stuff on it than that girl's. Here's to over-achieving!!!


Melissa said...

You ARE bossy, Brenna.

Kris said...

I have to agree with Melissa. You are bossy.

Brenna said...

You guys are acting as if I didn't already admit it... I KNOW I'm bossy. I was raised that way :) But at least I acknowledge and embrace it. Now, go get me cheese!