Sep 12, 2005


Ahh... The first day of a new rotation is always so dreadful and exciting all at once. Just when you get lulled into the security of actually knowing what is going on during rounds, and knowing exactly what your responsibilities are, and what depth of knowledge you need to have on various topics... you move on. Not that I am complaining, mind you. Change is good, especially when it involves change away from the ICU.

The rotation I am starting today is different than any I have done up to this point. It is my second of two required "Acting Internships" (also known as Sub-Internship at some schools). At the end of third year, I was a little saddened at the prospect of never doing anything else in the OR. I actually really enjoy scrubbing in and seeing things that happen during surgeries. Not that I could commit myself to that kind of life - specifically that kind of residency. I (personally) firmly ascribe to the 'girls made of sugar and spice' view of life. Surgery requires a more 'puppy-dog tails' view. [This is by no way meant to be sexist - I'm just saying that I personally don't have what it takes to do surgery. Some of the best girls in my class are doing surgery.]

Ah, anyway. I digress. Because of my lack of enthusiasm about abandoning the OR forever, I decided that my second AI should be a surgery one. And, since we all know I love kids, I determined that I should do the "Congenital Heart Surgery" one. Awesome. So, I find myself in a rotation where I will be working one-on-one with the pediatrics cardiothoracic surgeon. It is quite exciting, really, as he is supposed to be a wonderful person.

I say 'supposed to be' because I have yet to meet him. See... he's going on vacation. Today. For a week. Which means... I don't know! I guess... I guess I get a week off? A week to study?

He is actually at the hospital today, and I did talk to him briefly. He had some meetings, after which he promised he'd page me. That was two and a half hours ago. Thus, I find myself stymied. I'm just wandering around the hospital, waiting for a page. Like waiting for ransom...

Still, it is much better than the ICU!

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