Nov 22, 2005

Welcome to My Casa

I promised pictures, so here you are: a photographic tour of the new Casa de Mi Familia.

Here is the road that leads to our new home. Actually, this is taken from an angle that would lead away from our home, seeing as I took it from our driveway. So... Just imagine the same thing in reverse. I was too lazy to walk to the end.

And here is one of the first things you'll see as you approach our house. Past the trailer thing is one leg of the driveway. I'm standing in the other leg. (Do you call them legs when the driveway is shaped like a U?) The building there is some mysterious building. I think they used to build trophies there. Seriously. Now it is filled with my dad's stuff. And the hot water heater.

Now, how do you know for sure that you reached the correct house? You'll know because there will be rocks. Lots and lots of rocks.

And sometimes a flower or two. But always rocks.

Here is the pride of the whole farm. The SHOP. I keep accidentally calling it the 'shed.' My dad quickly corrects me. It is a SHOP...

...filled with things like LARGE amounts of GRANITE...

...and TRACTORS... (Doesn't this tractor look a little evil here? Like it is in a Disney short or Thomas the Tank Engine episode and it is going to go do something evil that the cute little house or train protagonist will have to overcome or defeat or something. And then little kids will have nightmares about the scary red-eyed scary machine. Evil tractor.)...

I think this is my dad's unofficial throne of the SHED. Oops. Shop. I meant SHOP, there. Not Shed. SHOPPE.

Here is another view from the driveway. It isn't really that the driveway is huge (though it kind of is) it is just that the grass is kind of new, and I don't want to kill the fledgling...grasslets by stomping all over them. Plus, it is kind of muddy.

And, finally, here is the front door. Won't you all come in?

Actually, let me check with my mom first...

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