Nov 16, 2005

Glutton for Punishment?

I've always liked to count things by fives. Five, ten, fifteen, etc. It is just a nice, complete number. And whenever I make tally marks, I hate ending on a straight up-and-down line, preferring instead to close the group of lines with a fifth, angled slash across them.

Yes, five is a good number.

Except when it is the number of times you've been rejected from someplace. And by 'somplace' I mean OHSU. That is Oregon Health & Science University, for those of you not familiar with it. And here is a chronological list of the times they've rejected me:

Spring 2000: Rejected from joining the med school Class of 2004
December 2001: Rejected from joining the Class of 2005
Spring 2002: Rejected from joining the Class of 2006
Spring 2005: Rejected from doing a fourth year rotation at OHSU
and, finally, November 16, 2005: Rejected from their pediatrics residency program


Thankfully, with the magic number 5, I've reached the end of things that OHSU can reject me from! Woo-hoo!

But, let's take a moment to feel horrifically sorry for me as my dreams are shattered, yet again...


Okay, now that's over.

Interestingly, in the last week, I have been systematically rejected from three of the top ten most overpriced cities in the US. I should be thanking them for saving me the trouble. Of course, I'm flying to another of those top ten cities tomorrow. And... I'm still waiting to hear from another of the ten.

Did I mention that I applied to schools in 6 of the top 10 most overpriced cities? Hmm. Maybe those schools knew something when they rejected me - I'm kind of stupid to do that, after all.

So, no Portland for me. It's funny how OHSU consistently makes me lose sight of one of my own personal, over-arching philosophies of life: that Everything Turns Out All Right in the End.

I maintain faith that I will end up at a place that is good for me. (And hopefully a place where I'll actually meet some interesting and single men!) Obviously, that place is not Portland.

I'm five-times convinced of that!

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