Nov 1, 2005



My e-mail box has yet to deliver any new interviews today. Grr.

Today was the busiest day ever on Peds ID. And my 'busiest' I mean that I got no free time - only an hour for lunch. And by 'not getting any free time' I mean that I had to sit around listening to everyone and their neighbor talking about all these patients that WEREN'T ON MY SERVICE. And by 'sit around' I mean that I had to STAND for HOURS in a freaking work-room filled with six over-worked interns, several disgruntled upper levels and TWENTY THOUSAND THIRD YEARS. Seriously. They're everywhere. I swear they're multiplying. Like rabbits. Like sitting-in-a-chair-that-should-rightfully-be-mine-because-I-am-a-fourth-year-and-I-stood-all-thru-MY-third-year rabbits.

AND - horror of horrors - I saw a woman today - MY age, mind you - who had her jeans PEGGED. PEGGED JEANS. On a twenty-something year old.

I think my head is going to explode.

And I still have to start Nano!!!!

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