Nov 2, 2005

Faux Pas

Alright. I would be the last person to claim to be a fashion guru, and my 'work' clothes are not always the most impeccable and/or wrinkle free. But. I do have a sense of what is right and what is wrong, especially when I am at the bottom of the totem pole and can't pull of the 'eccentric attending' look and wear Hawaiian shirts or raggedy looking pants.

There is this third year student that I think could learn a few things from me. My first lesson would be short - one word even: smile. I've never seen this girl not scowl.

Beyond the smile paucity, though, there is the matter of her wardrobe. Last Friday, I noticed that she was wearing black jeans. The cut of the jeans was fine - not tapered, and they were long enough. But, did I mention that they were JEANS? I cut her some slack that day - hey, people do wear dark jeans as a dressed up evening look, and it was Friday, after all - maybe she was just confused and thought that third years qualified for 'casual day.'

Then on Monday, she was wearing what I can only describe as track pants. They were black and had a dark green running stripe down the side. The material was kind of flocked, so it wasn't shiny or anything. But there was elastic around the ankles.

I justified THAT by noting that she was on call, and the pants actually looked more dressy than scrub pants. From a distance anyway.

But then, today? She was wearing blue jeans. BLUE jeans. With the cuffs folded up a good three inches. Blue jeans with folded up cuffs and her white coat. Good grief.

I'd take this poor young misguided thing aside to tell her that her clothes are inappropriate, but her scowliness scares me.

In less than a year, I will be grading medical students. Rest assured - if you wear jeans around me, your grade will suffer.

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