Jul 26, 2005

That Girl

Yesterday was the day that all the little first years started their orientation at our school. I love love love seeing them all come in, all bright-eyed and well hair-cutted. This is before girls get catty and guys get ratty. Haha! That's a little poem I just wrote. I guarantee you that by four months from now, there will be at least one guy with a full on beard and one guy who gave up cutting his hair entirely. And there will be at least one girl that everyone hates. But right now, they are all on a level playing field. And perky! Yesterday, I had to give them all a short (like three minute) presentation to them on one of the groups I'm in. Such power - me and a microphone in front of 100+ perky smart people.

Tonight, as one co-editor in chief of the yearbook, it was my privilege/duty to attend the first years' Dean's Dessert Reception thingy. The first years get all dressed up and mingle and try to impress each other and the deans. And I was there, camera in hand. It was pretty cool. I felt absolutely no compulsion to do any mingling. I only actually met one first year. The rest of the time, I'd point my camera, snap a shot and then scurry on my merry little way. And I had some cake.

The weirdest thing, though: there are at least three people in the incoming class that I taught Verbal and Writing to in Kaplan MCAT classes. I couldn't figure out how I knew this one girl until she reminded me. Weird! They were my students! They were ones that I remember had good essays, though, so that's good. I am amused that these three students have now seen me: teaching Kaplan, representing one student group, and taking pictures for yearbook. They must think I'm 'that girl' - you know the one who does everything. The thing is... I guess I am! But at least I'm not the girl that everyone hates!

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