Jul 21, 2005

Hi, My Name is Brenna...

...and I'm a Target addict.

Let me tell you about my secret, super-amazing ability, though. If you give me an hour and a good clearance at Target, I can - without fail - fill my basket with almost exactly $60 worth of merchandise. Without even trying to add the prices in my head. Without even really having an idea of what is still in the basket, and what has been relegated back to the shelf in a fit of Brenna-shopping.*

Tonight, I went to get various sundry good-smelling things (conditioner, deodorant, hair gel, air refreshener refills to cover the summer scent of Mold that has permeated my bathroom, and the like) and ended up spending $60.58. The socks were on clearance! And ALL of the purses. You can't fault me for spending $3.24 on a cute, funky purse, can you? Sigh... I know, I know. I have a problem. Still, though - most of that sixty bucks was on the smelly stuff. So I don't feel too bad.

*Brenna-shopping: Picking up something in one area of Target, finding something else in another area of Target and exchanging the second for the first. Kind of mean to the employees, but Target employees rock, so I think they enjoy my little game. Well, actually they probably don't. But they still rock.

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