Apr 23, 2004

The Skinny Mirror

There is a gym here at the med school (which I never use, because I have a complex about people I know seeing me in work-out clothes). I often use the bathroom in it, because it is close to the study room. In this bathroom is a much-admired (by me, anyway) Skinny Mirror. For those of you onto Harry Potter lingo, I'd have to compare it to the Mirror of Erised. For those of you who aren't - it's just freaking awesome, and somewhat hypnotic. Something about skinny mirrors can manage to cheer up most girls, I think. It's like seeing dreams fulfilled.

Anyway... I just didn't pass (i.e. failed) the written ACLS test - by two questions - but a trip to the Skinny Mirror cheered me right on up! That and the fact that I did well on the HARD part of the test - where I had to pretend to run an actual code (my patient lived!) Plus, I can re-take the written in 10 days, and I'll be sure to do well then.

NOW comes the scary part of my day: I have my meeting with the Dean and "those three." I'm really quite nervous. Breathe... they are only people - people who I used to get along with smashingly. I can do this. I am invincible!!! Well, maybe not, but at least I have a place to go where I can pretend to be skinny!

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