Apr 12, 2004

I Left My Heart...

...in San Francisco. But that's okay, because I'm here to re-claim it! Actually, I've never really left my heart anywhere, but that's how the song goes, and I'm a slave to song lyrics. Or something.

San Francisco is fun. And windy. Thankfully, with my new shorter hair, I can pull off the 'windblown' look with more ease. Though, something must be said for the ponytail look, which I can no longer pull off. Unless I'm working out. Then I do the 'I'm working out' ponytail, which looks kind of like those fake hair things that you can buy at drug stores - you know - like a scrunchie, but made of hair. That's my 'workout' ponytail.

We made it from Portland to Oakland with no problems. Again, it was probably because I didn't check luggage. I oughtta do that more often. We're staying with my friend, Heidi, in her cute little place. She has nice plates. I'm sleeping on an air mattress, and Susan is on a blow-up beach toy. :) Gotta love being in your 20s.

Today, we went to the SFMOMA (Museum of Modert Art, for those of you who aren't pretentious enough to refer to it as MOMA). They have a Pop art exhibit right now, which is fabulous. Unless you haven't eaten in a long time, in which case, you want to rip Andy Warhol's Campbell's soup can OFF the wall and shove it in your mouth. Somehow, I don't think the myriad of MOMA guards would have appreciated that...

We've also done a lot of wandering around, which is always one of my favorite things to do. We rode on BART, and a cable car. No boats, but maybe tomorrow. I bought a painting from a woman on the street, which was also exciting. Local art and all. Not pop art, either.

Now we're at Pier 39, and there are boats (which I'm not on) and seagulls and wind. Lots of wind. And hunger. I'm hungry again, which is kind of suprising, considering that in our wanderings today, I've purchased lots of chocolate. Mmmmm. Chocolate. Love.

I'm actually paying money for this, so you'd better be enjoying it!!! More fun to come. If you're me anyway, I don't know what all y'all are doing.

On the off chance that Michael does read this: GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!! And GOOD LUCK TO MEG (in a few days).

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