Apr 18, 2004


Real life resumes, and I've already got a stack of things that I need to get done. Bills, etc. How boringly annoying. Some day I'll hire someone to do this stuff for me. Actually, I probably won't, because that seems like a royal waste of money. But doesn't it sound appealing??? The most annoying thing that I'm doing is financial aid stuff, though, and I'll be done with that after the next couple of years.

It's warm in North Carolina! Not in the room in which I am currently sitting, but outside it is! How wonderful. Not that it matters. I've sworn off sun for two very important reasons: 1) I feel it is time to take sun care precautions seriously and 2) I'm going to be working all day every day, anyway.

My sister went to visit my old alma mater to see if she wants to go there. I loved St. Olaf, and I think she would too, but apparently she got housed with some... not-very-nice person. That makes me mad. Grrrr. (that's me being mad) She's narrowed it down to two schools - that is a hard choice. I was upset when I only got into one med school, but at least I didn't have to make any decisions! And, the more I think about it, I think my deep hatred of North Carolina stems from the fact that I'm stressed out all the time here. I'd probably really like it otherwise. SO! Had I gotten into my state school, I may have grown to hate Portland, which would have been a travesty. Everything turns out for the best in the end. I don't envy Lindsay her decision, though. She'll do the right thing.

Question: The phrase "Well, if you think that, you've got another thin_ coming" Is it a "G" or a "K?" I always thought it was "thinG," but was just recently introduced to the idea that it may be "thinK." Which is right??? I kind of think 'you've got another think coming' makes more sense, but that would mean that I've been wrong for some 20+ years, which is a hard thing for me to accept. :)

AHH! I need sun!

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