Mar 22, 2004

Ob la di... does go on, though not always the way one imagines it will. For perhaps the first time in my life, I'm taking a stand. I am not going to apologize. I do feel the incredible urge to try to smoothe everything over with my... friends. I still want to call them friends, so I will. That may change. I've decided that I don't need to apologize, though. If there is an apology due, I say it is to me. Not for the things that were said, but for the manner in which it was handled. There was no reason to yell. There was no reason for it to be two against one, with no even semi-impartial person there. That was not fair to me, so I am not going to be the one to apologize.

If this makes no sense, read my last entry. :)

Other than obsessing, and trying hard to remain firm in my decisions, I'm trying desperately to study. I am in medical school, and I do have one of the most important tests of my life coming up in less than two weeks. This should be the most important thing to me right now. Unfortunately, I am ruled a lot more by emotion, and personal interactions than by my desire to succeed professionally. This may be my downfall some day. Or, who knows? It could be a good quality for a physician to have. I just wish I could turn it off for now!

I Want a Famous Face. MTV. Are these people for real???

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