Mar 13, 2004

It snowed last week. But now that it is approaching 'spring' here in lovely North Carolina, the AC is on and I'm freezing. I used to have warm hands all the time, but I've apparently gotten nicer as I've aged, because now my hands are always cold. You know: cold hands, warm heart. Yeah, right. Cold hands, cranky me.

It is Saturday night, and I'm off to go... study. Yes, that's right folks. Study. Welcome to the exciting topsy-turvy world of the medical student. I feel the need to take out a PSA aimed at all the poor saps vying desperately to gain admittance to medical school.

:::Picture: Me. Studying, with the calendar clearly showing that it is Saturday.:::
TITLE: How much do you really want to 'help people?'

Something along those lines, anyway. I'd come up with something better, but my hands are too cold.

Caffeine makes me think better, and it dilates blood vessels (because it is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor - just like Viagra!), so I'm gonna go get some and hope that my hands warm up. Warm hands, happy me.

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