Mar 14, 2004

The Hand of Fate.

So, this blogging thing. I still don't really know what I'm doing... (Or why.) But I feel that I must learn how to do this soon... I have a great fear of being one of those 85 year old ladies attending "Create Your Own Blog" course in the nursing home, and just NOT getting it, thus instilling an abiding fear in the poor little high school kid about ever growing old, so much so that they get terrified of doing ANYthing, and they end up living at home with their parents until they are 45, and then they go rob a liquor store just do do SOMEthing different, and then they get shot by the over-zealous store owner with his brand new semi-automatic, and then no one will come to the funeral because they lost all their friends while they were holed up in their parent's basement trying to avoid growing old. I can't be responsible for that! So, I am learning now. I've got a good 60 years to get it down, before I'm that 85-year old woman, so hopefully that will be enough time.

I stayed up until five watching a made-for-TV movie about a high school lesbian. I really don't know why. I'm: a) not in high school; b) not a lesbian; and c) tired as a result of the late night. Someone should take away my TV.

Does anyone else specialize in epiphanies like I do? I have lots of epiphanies. Trouble is, I never seem to follow through on them... Oh, well. Today's epiphany: if I am uncomfortable in a situation - I can leave! Now, this may not seem earth-shattering, and I probably would have spouted some such inspirational jibber-jabber to friends at any given time in the past. But today it feels true. I believe it! Thus the epiphany. We'll see if tomorrow brings any more.

Back to studying... I'm averaging a 59% on Kaplan Q-Bank for my boards studies. My goal is to bump that up to a 60% today, however transiently. Wish me luck!

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