Mar 27, 2004

Magic 8 Ball

I am always trying to predict the future. The Magic 8 ball is just one of my methods. I like playing with Tarot cards, and other random 'future-telling' gadgets. I don't ever actually believe any of it, but that doesn't make me stop. Why the fascination? Why try to hurry everything along? I'm just impatient, I guess - I want to know what's next right now! It's all very exciting. But I think I'm glad that the 8 ball isn't always right, after all.

In other news: my parents purchased a new house. I knew this was coming - that didn't even take the Tarot cards. They've been looking at houses, and talking about this for a long time now. My baby sister is about to graduate from high school, and my mom is dreading the empty nest. My dad is just a gypsy at heart, I think (like me) and gets bored of the same place. I'm intrigued to see what my parents have gotten themselves into. It is a 'fixer-upper.' And not of the "Money Pit really-nice-but-falling-apart-watch-out-for-the-hole-in-the-floor" variety. It's more of the "Sling Blade bury-your-dead-baby-brother-in-the-backyard-shed" variety. According to my sisters anyway. Actually, it doesn't sound bad as all that...quite. I'll be home in April and I'll get to see the new house. It comes with a farmer.

I've never owned a farmer before. I don't even think that my Fisher Price barn had one, although I may have been too hypnotically attracted to the mooing sound the barn door made when you opened it to ever notice presence or lack of Farmer. I suppose technically, we don't actually OWN this farmer - just the land that he farms. Maybe it is a she? I wonder if the feminist movement reached the farming industry.

There are so many important things to do right now, but they just don't interest me. I need a Magic 8 ball and a Fisher Price barn... that'd be fun...

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