Apr 29, 2010

Thing #639 That I Don't Need

Aisle Runners! What are aisle runners, you ask? Ahh, I remember when I didn't know about things like aisle runners or Chivari chairs or chargers... ::staring off into space, remembering life before fiance-dom:: But, back to topic. Aisle runners are like long carpets laid down in the aisle (aha!) for the bride to walk on. Presumably because the bride can't tread the same ground as the proletariat. Or she can't let that $10,000 gown actually touch the ground while she walks to meet her groom!

So, yeah. Aisle runner. Not for me.

Theeeen, I saw videos of aisle runners actually being rolled out by groomsmen. Here is a somewhat facetious example:

And a tiny part of my heart sort of fell in love with the idea. That is the part of my heart that I affectionately call "Crazy Bride Girl" and she's a little... well, crazy. And, all of a sudden, aisle runners moved from my "that is so silly and unnecessary" list to the "I have to have it" list.

So, a quick search on my favorite store of all time: Google, I found that aisle runners can range from simple:Price $44.75

to a bit classier:
Price $41.75

From silk-screened images:Price $180-275

To hand painted monograms:Price $75-200+

And everything in between.

The things all of these aisle runners have in common is this: they don't fit in my budget. This moved aisle runners on to the "Maybe I'll figure out a less expensive alternative" list (this list is long).

And, I am happy to say, I crossed that item of the list today! Maybe.

Another of my frequent trips to Goodwill scored me a partial bolt of "Ivory Baroque Satin" aka "100% acetate" but I'm not dithering over fabric quality at this point. Cause, dude! It's to walk on!

It's folded in half here, so is twice as wide, and shinier.

I have no idea if I'll end up using it, but at $6.99, I couldn't pass it up. I like that I could do whatever I want to it - splatter paint, tie dye, trace crime scene bodies... the possibilities are endless!

When I see videos like this I think maybe the aisle runner is not all its cracked up to be:

But then I think it is really funny, and would make me laugh, and who doesn't love laughing at weddings?

Do you think I should use the aisle runner? How should I decorate it?

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