Apr 14, 2010

Theme: Themes on a Theme

Theme is a funny word. Say it out loud. Go on, do it! Again. Again! It is one of those words that quickly seems to lose its meaning after you've said it a few times in a row. Themethemetheme.

For some reason, I keep coming back to an older usage of the word theme. It used to (maybe still does?) mean "a written exercise; composition." Then, I think of Catcher in the Rye and the character Richard Kinsella*, the character who is supposed to be speaking on a theme but keeps digressing. The class then yells "Digression!" at him and he gets a D+. I think of that scene a lot, because digression is a particularly strong trait in me!

Back to the theme.

I finally saw the new Alice in Wonderland this past weekend. It was so jaw-droppingly gorgeous. The outfits! The scenery!! The hair!!! I spent a large part of the movie trying to figure out how I could incorporate that magic into our wedding.

I've definitely seen takes on it like this:
While this is true to theme, and really beautiful, the new Alice has a darker feel to it, which I like.

How fun is this? Dark and a little twisted, but so romantic all at the same time.

I like the mixtures of colors - there is the blue and peach with foresty colors, then it progresses to the Red Queen with reds and golds and blacks. Perhaps a ceremony focusing on the first color palate, then a lavish red and gold reception? It could be so much fun to try to tie in all the themes. Here is a quickly thrown together idea board:
The dress is from Unique Vintage, the groom's tux from Favourbrook. Groomsmen Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are actually from a spread from a 2003 Vogue taken by Annie Liebowitz.

In reality, however, the Alice theme is way too... theme-y for Marc and me. We're more laid back type of folk. (I'm listening to a Fannie Flagg novel in the car right now and it is heavy on the Southern talk - I'm catching it!) If we were making an inspiration board true to our lives, I think it would look something like this:
Which would totally keep us entertained, buy might be lost on the masses. Not to say that some elements from this lovely board won't make it into the actual she-bang. I quite like the map and the image of Hogwarts. And I think the guys will golf, and I already talked about trying to use yarn.

Anyway, I digress. I think when all is said and done, our real wedding will be some sort of happy medium between our every day, and fantasy. Kind of like spiffed up versions of ourselves. And I continue to have a blast trying to pull it together!

* I wish I could claim such intimate knowledge of JD Salinger's work that I know even minor character's names! Alas, it took me a few minutes on google to track that down.

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