Oct 3, 2005

Productive Uses of Time

When I was in AmeriCorps, I had a job that kept me busy for maybe 10-20 hours a week. But I was at work for about 40 hours a week. During that year, I got really good at wasting time. Mostly on the internet, and generally not in a productive helping-humanity-or-even-learning-anything-useful way. Basically, I had a list of websites that I'd visit every day, and a few online games (Scrabble, a crossword, etc.) that I'd play. After a few months of that, I felt like my brain was turning to mush. I was quite happy to leave that job to start medical school.

Well. I'm back to that brain-mushifying state of doing nothing. I'm on a surgical rotation right now, but my attending only does surgeries on Tuesday-Thursday - and even then, not always. I'm left with a lot of 'reading time.' If I was a better and wiser person, I'd use this time to, say... read. Alas, I am neither better nor wiser. So I end up watching television, playing computer games (Snood and Spider Solitaire mostly) and regularly checking my e-mail, people's blogs, and entertainment news sites. What an exciting life.

I've known for a long time that the busier I am, the more productive I am. Give my any free time, and I turn into a slug. I'm looking forward to residency because of that - I love feeling productive and busy, and this fourth year of med school thing really isn't doing it for me.

Words I will surely be eating a year from now.

In slightly more interesting news, I do have three interviews set up now. Three of the 16 programs to which I applied. A couple of the programs don't even start looking at applications until November 1. Slightly annoying. Only slightly, though.

I am so bored.

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