Oct 9, 2005

Fair Time!

Susan and I actually went to the fair on Monday. I've been too lazy to actually post anything yet. Here are some pictures for your visual pleasure:

This is Susan feeding an alpaca. Doesn't it make you just want to shear it and wash and card the wool and then spin it into yarn and knit a fuzzy scarf so that you too can look like that?? The alpaca, not Susan.

Me and a yak. Don't talk back!

This is evidence of how Susan and I share one brain some times. Note the same brown Danskos, the same Gap Long and Lean jeans. We're also both wearing gray shirts. Not quite the same shirt, but I came this close to wearing the same one she did.

We went on some rides, but I actually have a lot more pictures of the animals at the petting zoo area than of any of the rides. I think I was too annoyed because someone spit on my head from the ferris wheel. Ick. Still, gotta love a fair!

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