Sep 13, 2004

Things That Make Me Grin...

...even on a Monday.

* :) *

Since I spent many hours over the past weekend doing the same thing (except not in Wisconsin. And with no guys), I can understand the obsession.

I am so tired. Maybe weekends are bad. I get lulled into a sense of 'having time to do stuff.' So I end up sitting around watching TV and reading, and don't realize that all that 'stuff' that I had time to do didn't get done. So I have to stay up late to do it. Then I'm tired.

My eyes were rolling back up into my skull today during a renal artery angioplasty/stenting. I had to move to make sure that if I just completely fell over, it wouldn't be all over the scrub nurse's clean stuff. Which really wouldn't matter too much, because for all these endovascular things, they don't actually use any of the stuff anyway. Ugh. How cool is it that putting a stent in your renal artery may cure hypertension, though? I think that's cool. Of course, it only works in about 20% of the patients...but who wants to crunch numbers on a Monday? I'd rather sleep.


This may have posted twice. I have no control over the whims of the internet. Wouldn't it be cool if I did, though?

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