Sep 9, 2004

Things I Swore I'd Never Do, part 2

So, remember when I did that horrible awful thing back in the days when I was a pseudo-psychiatrist? At that point I swore to myself that I would not let anything like that happen ever again. Well, I must admit that I have transgressed. This time it was not an article. This time it was (brace yourself here) staying after rounds to go to an operation that I didn't need to. I know! Isn't it horrible!!!?!! Especially since I was already hungry. AND I'm not on call Let me outline my reasoning, and you can be my jury of peers:

1. We were minorly chewed out yesterday for not doing enough.
2. It was my attending performing the procedure (IVC filter).
3. The Fellow assisting is the Fellow that chewed us out.
4. I'd been to the same type of procedure yesterday, and knew that it wasn't a terribly long one.
5. I was allowed to stick the femoral vein in yesterday's procedure, so knew that the opportunity was there to do it again today.

I think my reasoning was sound.

My presence was definitely taken as a positive thing. I was allowed to do more than I ever had before - including the femoral vein stick, AND deploying the filter. Doesn't that sound cool?? I got to 'deploy the filter.' It really just involved pulling a little blue handle, while they watched under fluoroscopy. But still cool.

So, I am satisfied with my decision, even though it marks my second heinous infarction, and moves me even closer to the Land of the Gunner.

Now I'm starving. Time to go home and eat, then promptly to bed. I'll do better tomorrow, I promise.

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