Nov 15, 2004


Wouldn't you rather be galumphing around than doing whatever it is you're doing right now? I thought so.

Interesting things happen, and I do fun things, but I have not been motivated to write about them lately because my freaking word count for NaNo is like really behind. Today is the fifteenth of November, so I should have 25,000 words. At 18,000, I'm only 7,000 words behind. But, still. That's kind of a lot.

Weekend recap:

Friday night... Did absolutely nothing. Realized around 11pm that I hadn't even had a real conversation all day, despite going to school for quiz, Y to work out, grocery store for food... Then an old high school friend called at around 11:30, and my day felt much more complete.

Saturday... Um, let's see... Got up. Oh, yeah! Watched NBC's morning line-up of children's shows (I love Endurance: Hawaii - it's frightening to see how evil small children can be), then went to Barnes and Noble and wrote for several hours. Then to Greensboro with Susan and Maripat for Thai food and Bridget Jones. Can you believe that Winston-Salem is not playing that movie??? I can't. I laughed, and laughed. Was it as good as the first? Well... maybe not. I have seen the first one about ten trillion times, though. But still good.

Sunday... Dragged myself out of bed in time to go to the local Nano meeting, where I actually read part of my novel aloud in front of the group. Go me! Everyone else was doing it, and it didn't seem the time to practice my "Resisting Peer Pressure" skills. After, Susan and I went to see The Incredibles. SO good. Much fun and laughing. I love the short (Bounding - ? not sure on the title) that it starts with, too. But then we ran into one (MM)PWHM, which threw a wrench in the rest of my night. I hate hate hate that they still have that much power over me... Anyway, after movie, I went home where I cleaned my living room in preparation for the Arrival of Melissa.

Monday... TODAY!! I don't have to be anywhere until noon. I actually cleaned my bedroom this morning!! Hooray! I go to some infectious disease conference for an hour. That's all. Then I have another conference at four. Two full hours today. I don't know if I can handle it! I'd rather be galumphing...

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