Jan 31, 2011

True Grit

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Marc and I went to see True Grit this evening. So did a couple with their toddler. Who, it turns out, doesn't like Jeff Bridges, but does like screaming.

Our review of the movie: Not for toddlers. Otherwise, very well acted, and engaging, though it seemed to lack a real climax. Or a real point. I'm sure there was a lot of symbolism going on in there (it is a Coen Bros movie), but I was too distracted by the screaming toddler to get it.

Oh, and the picture is Marc taking out some Terminators in the arcade before the movie. He's a gun slinger, too, just like Jeff Bridges.

Jan 30, 2011

Hangin With a 4 Year Old

Marne did my hair then took a picture of it. Future stylist/photographer?
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Jan 28, 2011

Tapered Ankle? Really?

I find scrubs neither attractive nor comfortable. But at least with a draw string waist I can pig out and still fit in the scrubs. That is why I prefer draw string. I don't like tapered ankles on my scrubs because tapered ankles are ugly on everyone! My apologies to my mysterious co-worker, but you got some bad taste, lady!

Incidentally, auto-correct changed "scrubs" to "activate" and "pig out" to "put out." Which really changed the whole feel of this post!
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Jan 27, 2011

Theoretical Baby Mash-Ups

You know how Jay Leno will combine two celebrity's faces into a baby? Usually a really ugly one?

Well, technology has now advanced so much, that you can make your own baby Mash-Ups! The websites that do this generally take themselves pretty seriously though, and actually make babies that resemble real humans.

Anyway. Here are our hypothetical babies:

Clearly the oldest, and most loved baby, as it has its own frame, and the two of us hanging out in the bottom corner.

I think this child has ADHD. You can tell it just by looking at him.

And finally, the scary child that we don't tell anyone about, and keep locked in the basement. Because, dude. This baby is scary. You can try to make it less creepy, by dressing it in a fuzzy duck suit, but it is still going to haunt your nightmares.

And, no, this is not an announcement of impending baby-hood. I just found the baby mashup site, and thought it was funny.

Jan 26, 2011

Yummy Cupcakes!

Kinda taste like muffins, but seriously the best tasting thing I have ever baked.
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Jan 22, 2011

So Nice, I'm Doin' It Twice!

It was such a beautiful drive home from work today, through Sonoma County, that I decided I should go back to work tomorrow! Seems like a fantastic idea, and not at all too much work for pediatrics. In January.


(Thankfully, we only have to do weekends like this once every 1-2 months, and we get our other weekends off! Mostly)

I had some Fun With Editing in the pic above. Below, the original - still not bad for a phone picture! I love how far technology has come.

Jan 21, 2011

Too Many Sick Kids

Busy day at work so far, and it doesn't look like it will lighten up anytime soon. So, instead of a picture that I took, I'm putting up a picture of the T-shirt on sale over at Shirt.woot today. Because it is HILARIOUS!!!!

The title of the design is "No One Left to Play With"

Jan 20, 2011

Coffee Table Book

Does anyone else remember that episode of Seinfeld where Kramer came up with the idea for the coffee table book about coffee tables? Well, I've had an idea for a coffee book table for some time now.

A coffee book table with vanity license plates!

Sounds fascinating, right? Yeah, not so much. But isn't that the point of coffee table books? Most seem to be large books full of pictures about some almost interesting, but not quite fascinating, topic. Like... pictures of flowers, or landmarks or cute kids. Fun to flip through, but nothing you'd curl up with on a rainy day.

Anyhow, I saw two great potential plates for my CTB (That's my new acronym for "coffee table book." Because there are not enough acronyms in the world). And VLP will, obviously, be "vanity license plate."


The owner of the car on the left is clearly an anesthesiologist, as the "EN2BATE" plate suggests and the "MD" sticker confirms. The owner also has a son who is an Eagle Scout (of whom they are proud), a child who goes/went to Country Day, is a Christian, was in a branch of the armed forces and went to some school that starts with an "S." You can tell a lot about a person from the back of their car!

The owner of the car on the right appears to be crazy. I cannot for the life of me figure out what "INJYGLF" means. "In Joy, Gleefully?" or "Injury Go Left?" I think what it might be (but this is a conclusion I've come to after literally 10 minutes pondering it? is "Enjoy Golf." Nothing else on the car helps guide me to an answer on this one.

And thus the flaw in my VLPCTB: half the time you can't figure out what the message is supposed to be!

Incidentally, my favorite VLP in the doctor's parking lot at work is "BYBYBUN" owned by a nephrologist. Get it?

Jan 19, 2011

Jan 18, 2011

Making Noodles

It's so much fun! Once you get past the initial kneading part, which is really just a pain.
Start with the ball of dough

Stretch it out real thin with the noodle-making-machine-thing

Then cut it into noodles. Voila!

I really enjoy making noodles. I think there may be some secret Italian heritage in me somewhere.

Jan 17, 2011

One Year Later: A Little Imagination Goes a Long Way

Exactly one year ago today, Marc and I made our second trip in two weeks up to Lake Tahoe from Sacramento to check out wedding venues. Tahoe was on the top of our (aka my) list for possible wedding locations, so despite the reports of a large snow storm rolling in, we braved the drive. We drove up to Heavenly Ski Resort to meet with Adriann, the catering director up there.

I fell in love with the whole place immediately! Despite some obvious drawbacks on that cold, stormy January day I was able to imagine the whole thing.

I saw this:

And imagined this*:

I saw myself transform from ragamuffin:

To bride:

This, I just knew:

Would become this:

I replaced the bundled up skiers:

With my fancied up loved ones:

And replaced these tables and chairs:

With celebration...:

...and dancing:

Seriously, looking back at the pictures I took one year ago today, I canNOT believe how insistent I ended up being that we have our wedding at Heavenly. I just trusted that there would be a view, and a fantastic one at that. I trusted that the almost mid-October weather would cooperate. And that the skiers hang-out could be suitably altered to resemble a proper wedding location. Crazy.

But it all worked out perfectly! I seriously could not have been more happy. Or lucky!

Because this engaged couple:

Became this married couple!

* It needs to be said again, that all of the good pictures here were taken by David Shirk The rest are from me or Marc.

Jan 16, 2011

Marc, Bored

Seems like something I would do, but this piece of art was sculpted by my dear husband. I love random art!
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Jan 14, 2011

Spotted at the Grocery Store: Keeping Things Running

I have a confession to make: I am a voyeur.

Every time I go to the grocery store, I surreptitiously take stock of what the person in front of me puts on the belt. And I judge. But, c'mon, it is hard to not look at what the people in front of you are laying out on the belt! It is like a small window into their real life. And I find it fascinating.

I'll see things like... Peas! Corn! Mashed potato mix! And then think to myself... Perhaps they are making Shepard's Pie. How odd.

Or... Two six packs of beer! Tortilla chips! Ice cream! And... Sounds like a party! I wish I could go!

Or even... Light bulb! Batteries! Cookies! Rice! And... Hmmm. That's a random assortment of objects. Someone is doing some impulse shopping.

I apologize to all of the people out there who I have violated with my Grocery Voyeurism. But I also fully expect others to be judging my own purchases. Which is why if I go to the store to just get ice cream (an unfortunately common experience in the summer), I will also pick up some fruit or veggies as well. Just to make my selection seem less indulgent...

All that leads me to today's picture. (finally) Last night, at the grocery store, I spotted this:

Can't tell what I'm amused about? I wanted to be subtle, so I didn't use my zoom. Which is really just me moving closer and extending my arms, you know, so a bit too obvious.

Close up!

Prune juice and motor oil. They just seem so perfectly matched!

Jan 12, 2011


I have decided that my favorite color is green.

(For today anyway...)

Behold, green, in all its many shades:
(and try to tolerate the wet/rainy/snowy weather, because green will return!)



Sonoma County!


Jan 11, 2011

Twenty-Twenty-Twenty Four Hours Ago...

No, I don't wanna be sedated! It's just that any time I say "twenty four hours ago," that song pops into my head.

Today, I am at work, but exactly 24 hours ago, this is what I was doing with my fantastic husband:

Biking! Woo-hoo!

Thumbs up for biking in the cold weather!

My attempt at artistic photos with a cell phone. Not bad, I think. Crazy all the power those little phones have!

Jan 10, 2011

Wedding Details

Today has been a nice, relaxing day, but not much that has been picture worthy (yet, anyway)

I do have great pictures from my wedding, though, so today's pictures are 3 months (and 1 day) old, but it are certainly awesome! These pictures are all from my favorite wedding photographer, David Shirk of Unplugged Photography in Birmingham, Alabama.

Presenting... Detail Shots!
The trim around the bottom of my dress.

The beads on the back of the dress. My awesome seamstress (Lynne Rose Giovannetti) suggested adding the buttons, and I think they looked great! She also recommended that I wear a hoop instead of a crinoline, which was perfect.

Bucket o' bridesmaid's flowers - everyone put together their own bouquets. The flowers came mostly from Costco.com.

My veil - previously my mother's veil in 1977. Possibly to be my sister's veil in 2011...?

My shoes!!! Sofft brand from zappos.com. Ari found them for me, after seeing what I was looking for in a shoe. I managed to wear them all day and night!

The headband/fascinator I changed into for the reception. Headband from Ross, ribbon, feathers and hot glue from Michaels, brooch from Goodwill. Some last minute repair work from the always fabulous and crafty Kristin.

My bouquet, which I LOVED. Loved it! I put it together myself, and was so happy with how it turned out. Hydrangeas, roses, lotus pods, poppy pod, football mum, calla lilies, hypericum berries, coxscomb, seeded eucalyptus and a big ol' cactus. Flowers from costco.com, fiftyflowers.com and the San Francisco flower market.

Our programs! I gocco'ed the covers, made with wood veneer (purchased from e-bay). My parents, sisters, bridesmaids, future brother in law and mother of the flower girl all helped pull these together at the last minute!