Feb 1, 2006

Tid Bits

* Yesterday, at Costco, I saw a man purchasing 12 cases (not bottles - cases) of Texas Pete hot sauce. First I saw the cases, then I looked up and saw the guy. He had wrist braces on each wrist. Live dangerously.

* If you are going to spill coffee all over yourself, it is really convenient to be wearing coffee colored clothing. (Not that I speak from experience...)

* My least favorite new fashion trend: Bunching up your jeans at the knees. You may not believe that is an actual fashion trend, but it is. Just look at all those people with their fuzzy boots on over the top of their boot cut jeans.

* I also don't understand wearing heels while you travel. Granted, you look a whole lot better trudging through the airport with some sassy heels on. But why - why - add three or four inches to your legs and then sit in an airplane seat for several hours?

* I like italics.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I love this blog. Maybe because it's 12:30 and I should have been in bed 2 hours ago, but look, I'm being productive and catching up on Brenna! Or maybe I love this blog because Brenna is stink'in hilarious!