Feb 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

My Valentine's gift this year was hearing Ryan Seacrest say my name over and over again. Of course, he wasn't talking to me. Or even about me. One of the American Idol contestants is named Brenna. It was surreal hearing my name on TV. I was like... did he just... no... could he... no... I had to actually see the name written out before I could actually understand what he was saying. I'm just so used to hearing my name wrong.

Beyond the coolness of my name's debut on AI, ugggg. I don't like Brenna. She slapped her butt during her song. The song didn't call for butt slapping. Butt Slapping Brenna won't make it far.

So, this Valentine's Day found me in Peds Endo clinic. Not because I've developed a strange adult-onset pediatric endocrinological disease, but because that's the rotation I'm on. Did you all feel the cosmic shift yesterday? That was me being back where I belong. Despite my occasional complaints, I really, really do enjoy being around sick people... Wait. I mean, I enjoy being in the hospital, and being in clinic, and just... everything! It is nice to realize that again every once in a while. I was just smiling at everyone yesterday - AND I'm PMS-y. That's saying an awful lot.

Today, being Valentine's Day (did I mention that?), it is the day where I release this year's edition of the Valentine's Day CD. One problem... I'm still working on it! It is near completion, though. As always, if you want a copy, e-mail me and I'll send it. Not necessarily any time soon, but... some day...

Happy Valentine's Day! I love you all!!


Kari said...

Brenna, can I have a copy of your CD? :)

Kris said...

That is so weird because it was the butt slapping while singing that made me think of you and then...her name was BRENNA! What are the chances?

I have to agree....she won't be going on. What about the singing cowboys? That was painful! I like the grey haired raspy voiced guy. We have a guy at work that looks and acts JUST like him.

Gretchen said...

So last week before B Day, I got out my Valentine's Day CD from 2004! I'd love one of your Valentine's Day CDs agin this year if you have the time!