Feb 15, 2006

Entertain Me

Okay. Now... Go!

I'm bored. There were only three patients scheduled this morning - the first one scheduled at ten. Which meant that when I showed up at a quarter after 9, prepared to make some generic "didn't feel good/moved slow this morning" excuse, the lights were off and no one was home. Thankfully, the ten am appointment showed up (randomly) at 8:45, so I had something to keep me slightly busy. But then, the 10:30 and the 11 am both canceled. So. Out of clinic early with nothing to do.

I would go home, but I have a meeting at noon. I would skip the meeting, but there is free lunch.

You don't skip free lunch meetings.

I checked all of my e-mail accounts. I checked all the blogs that I follow. I read my daily comic strip and my daily horoscope. I even read the news. I'm out of things to do!

Granted, I could study. But now there are only fifteen minutes left, and what can I learn in 15 minutes? Not to even mention the fact that I am a fourth year. Fourth years do not study. At least not on their penultimate rotation.

Hey, did I mention that this is my penultimate rotation? Penultimate, penultimate, penultimate! People ought to use that word more often. I think it is neat, because it sounds like it should mean last, but it doesn't. Ultimate is last. Penultimate is second to last. It could be used to give some street cred to slow kids in races - you're either first, second, third, somewhere in the middle, penultimate or ultimate! Dude, why you messin' with me? I was totally penultimate in that race. Get off my back!

We see a lot of 'late bloomers' in endo clinic. Boys, normally, that are just not quite on the average growth curve. Poor guys. It's hard to say to them that they'll catch up eventually (puberty-wise - most of them will still be short guys). How can a 12 year old boy care that maybe by the time he's 17, he'll look like the other guys. That's an eternity. Yet again, I am glad I am a girl.

I'm starving. This had better be a good free lunch.

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