May 27, 2005

Guess What I Just Did?

Ha! I finally took my emergency medicine test! And let me tell you this: I guarantee that there will be people in our class who cheat on this test. They give us two weeks to take it, on our own computers, anywhere in the hospital. Yeah, right, people won't cheat. Geez. I was tempted, and I haven't done that since second grade, when my friend Kelly had mis-spelled some words on her spelling test, and we were grading each other's and I fixed the mistakes for her so she could get 100% too. But then Kelly yelled at me for doing that (what a good seven year old, huh?!) and I have never been able to stomach the thought of cheating since.

I'm glad I'm done. It wasn't like I spent the whole week studying for the freaking thing. I just crammed for an hour before I took it.

Why am I making such a big deal out of this test? Let me tell you: this was the last - the LAST - test I have to take for school. Ever. Ever ever ever. ED is the only rotation of fourth year that comes with a test, and now I'm done with it! Granted, I do still have the boards to take, but that is for my career, not just some arbitrary little test to try to stratify us into 'good' and 'better' categories.

I don't think I've ever used as many italics in one post as I have today. Hmm.

Call last night went just dandy. I stuck around on the floor, did a couple of slightly doctor-ish things. ("Yes, go ahead and hold that Vanc until the blood is in," "He had a bowel movement? Great!") Then things got really quiet, and I went upstairs, watched John Stewart and went to sleep. I didn't sleep well, but I got a full seven hours in the bed... And then I got to be post-call and start the already long weekend early! Really makes me wish I was doing something more exciting than laundry.

Well, at least I don't have a test hanging over my head any more!!

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