May 18, 2005


Today was "Sim Lab" day for the students rotation in Emergency Medicine (i.e. Me) How the emergency room functioned without fourth year med students, I don't know (that is sarcasm, by the way)

I was quite tired most of the day (I blame it on the latest book I've been obsessed with which kept me up until 2am last night). In the middle of our review on causes of PEA - that's pulseless electrical activity, not small green beans - I became inexplicably concerned with how one would spell the letter "H." I know, I know. It makes no sense. WHY do I care how you spell "H?" I don't know.

Now, to something much more exciting: I have only one shift left in the ED. ONE. So very excited. AND, it is in the Peds ED, which means I don't have to talk to any more drug seekers... ever, really. Unless I come across some very precocious children in the future. Or evil parents. Grrr...

The other night in the Peds ED, which was, incidentally the unofficial "Hurt Your Brother and Send Him to the Emergency Room" night, I felt more competent than I have in a long time. This kid came in with a knee laceration (inflicted while his brother dragged him around on a blanket). The attending told me to go ahead and stitch it up. And I did. Alone. NO supervision. And I was good! I didn't fumble around or drop anything. I just... did it. Granted, it was a knee lac, not like a chest tube or anything, but still... It is always good to know that you can talk a young kid through something like that and not freak out the mother by looking like a total clown.

Mmm. I'm hungry. With a capital Aitch.


Melissa said...

Dont you spell "h" h?




You need help. Think more about Star Wars....

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so proud! You are officially more medical than me.

Mom, RN