Feb 16, 2005

It Be Done!

Two things are done:

1. I'm done with call for peds, and after our ONE admission last night, I have a grand total of 3 patients that I admitted/saw while I was on call. Two of the interns I worked with woke up the next morning (after an almost page-less night) and called it their 'best call ever.' They call me a white cloud. Somehow, I think I annoyed my upper level, though, who I've never been on call with and who keeps having the world's WORST calls ever. While I'm happy to bring the white cloudness, I fear that it may backfire on me, and I'll develop a big ol' black cloud while I'm a resident... Time will tell.

2. My Valentine's CD! I 'finished' it the other night, but as I'd only put in 6 or so hours of work into it, it just didn't feel right. I listened to the prelim CD on my way home from Susan's (my computer is having more identity issues and doesn't seem to believe that it has a D drive, so I'm borrowing Susan's), and I just shook my head and said NONONO! It was not right. Usually I spend MONTHS planning the perfect Valentine's CD. (Usually, too, I was supposed to be studying and found searching for the perfect song much more rewarding.) Anyway, I think I've fixed it all today, and finally can breathe a sigh of relief for a job well done. And this version won't leave people despondent and suicidal at the end. (KEY: If you choose to include depressing songs - sandwich them with happy ones!)

All that said: who wants a CD? Let me know. I have a list in my head, and if you read this and I know you, you're probably on it. But, heck, even if I don't know you - if you want a CD, let me know. I love to spread musical joydom.

ONWARD! I have a Career Planning Seminar tonight. I'm pretty dead-set on peds, but I want to see what this thing is all about. Plus, free dinner. Yum!


Anonymous said...

I would love another Brenna CD--I can listen to it with the PCRM mix. Hope all is well.


Melissa said...

I want one. HAHAHA, hey! Guess who I am!!


Anonymous said...

just saw a fellow med schooler started a blog. looks interesting.
