Feb 24, 2005

Angry Incompetence

As much as I liked my pediatrics rotation (which ends today - well, tomorrow really, after the tests), and as much as I liked the heme/onc week of it, let me tell you HOW relieved I was to leave today. Yesterday I briefly mentioned my 'less than confident' intern. Well, today, I think her head was about to implode.

EVERY little thing was stressing her out today. And when she didn't understand something, or didn't know the answer to a question, she just got louder. I swear, by the end of the day I needed ear plugs to protect my ears from permanent hearing loss. She just sounds angry. Loud, angry and confused.

Along with louder and possibly angrier, she'd get more frantic - stacking papers up, jumping from one thing to another. A question such as: "So-and-so is back from their test. Can they eat now?" was enough to make her jump out of her seat and run out of the room. I don't know why. The answer was clearly yes. Which is just as easily said while sitting calmly with nicely organized papers.

Sigh. Some people really worry me. Because, gentle readers, some day this woman will be a doctor. Wait. She IS a doctor. But some day she'll be off on her own, practicing medicine.

And do you really want to see some one who will hit the ceiling when you ask if your kid is ready to start eating solid foods?

Ahh, but I am too, too harsh. She has time yet to learn much more. Much, much more. But let me tell you this: I will NOT be that way.

Except, perhaps, on Tuesdays.

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