Jul 30, 2004

Nothing to fear

I'm in psych right now, and since the #1 anxiety disorder is a Phobia, this seemed an appropiate list:

Alektorophobia: Fear of chickens
Bogyphobia: Fear of bogeys or the bogeyman
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
Euphobia: Fear of hearing good news
Frigophobia: Fear of cold or cold things
Geniophobia: Fear of chins
Homichlophobia: Fear of fog
Isopterophobia: Fear of termites, insects that eat wood
Japanophobia: Fear of Japanese
Kosmikophobia: Fear of cosmic phenomenon
Lutraphobia: Fear of otters
Mnemophobia: Fear of memories
Novercaphobia: Fear of your stepmother
Ophthalmophobia: Fear of being stared at
Paraskavedekatriaphobia: Fear of Friday the 13th
Ranidaphobia: Fear of frogs
Sciophobia: Fear of shadows
Textophobia: Fear of certain fabrics
Urophobia: Fear of urine or urinating
Verbophobia: Fear of words
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
Xanthophobia: Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow
Zemmiphobia: Fear of the great mole rat

I'm sorely disappointed that there is no "y" phobia. So I'll make one up: Yardophobia: fear of curly blonde hair. See more phobias here.

My fear tonight is that I won't get to eat dinner. I'm on call with the grumpy resident, and we didn't really finish rounds until after 7, and I lost my Pocket PC with my credit card (I'm getting it back - another student found it and e-mailed me), so I have no money on me, and I don't think that she'd buy me dinner or give me the opportunity to run home to eat. Grrr. And I'm missing the only all-school party of the year that is worth going to.

Is it okay if I keep whining? I'm on the psych inpatient floor right now, so I may just fit in...

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