May 15, 2004

Totally Useless

So, I'm here at the hospital... I'm on call tonight, which means I had to come to morning rounds, then stay all day until 11pm, then come back tomorrow morning for rounds again. The only problem with this is that I have nothing to do. My two patients need absolutely nothing today. We have room to take on one more patient, but that never seems to happen during the day (people always wait until late-night to present to the ED). So, here I am. Waiting...

I've had time to mess around on-line, and have discovered that Gwyneth Paltrow gave birth to a large, healthy baby girl, who she then proceeded to name Apple. Apple. Honey, that's a fruit, not a child. Apple cider. Apple sauce. Apple pie. Apple Jolly Ranchers. Does Gwyneth not see these things coming??? On a separate note, I wonder what people call Gwyneth for short... Gwyn? Neth? Gwynnie?

My stomach is a bottomless pit today. I'm hungry. The cafeteria here is really not that great. But I want food! Nice, soft, easily chewed food. I only have a temporary filling in my tooth as I await my ::drumroll:: Root Canal!!! How exciting. The dentist the other day was very nice, but unfortunately the combination of his niceness and my finger-crossedness did not serve to save me from the dreaded canal of root.

Tired. And hungry.

And bored.

There must be something to do...

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