May 2, 2004

Bloody Hell

...what could be better definition of that than getting your "monthly" (to put it delicately) in the middle of rounds with an attending who resembles an evil leprechaun? Slightly loony and slightly biting, all with an Irish lilt. That's our new attending. Our previous one looked slightly mean, but was actually very nice. This one looks like Santa's skinnier, nicer (Irish) brother, but is apparently a force to be reckoned with.

Not that it was really all that bad, but I feel the potential. The interns and residents were all edgy, and there was very little up-front joking today. Versus Thursday, which was apparently 'squirt who ever is presenting a patient in the face with saline' day. Apparently yesterday was b-a-d bad. Today was fine, but I think I'll be nervous the rest of the week! Still, some part of me has to love a man that uses the words "mirth," "elucidate," "languish," and "mellifluous" during rounds. I mean, c'mon: how many people actually use those words?? Except for me, but that's only when I'm too tired to remember little words.

I rewarded myself for successfully passing the boards by buying Little House on the Prairie, season 1. My goodness. It is by far the most family-values oriented show I've ever seen! I thought Seventh Heaven was cheesy (and therefore refuse to watch it). But I still love Laura! And Pa. And Nellie Oleson. Gotta love Nellie Oleson. Her first line in the series is "country girls..." said all snide-like. I need to perfect my snide-likeness abilities. I can't wait to see what happens next in Walnut Grove...

More pretend doctoring to do...

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