May 10, 2004

Be still my beating heart!

Day One in Heme/Onc, and I manage to make a lasting impression. Okay, so it wasn't that bad, and could have been much worse, but... There we are, doing rounds, and I start to notice that I'm very warm. And dizzy. And, when I stopped to think about it, it wasn't so much that I was warm, as that I was breaking out in a cold sweat. And I wasn't dizzy so much as I was starting to black out. So, in the middle of a patient presentation, I turned to the resident, and declared: "I have to sit down!" and then went running down the hall (okay, not running - but I was walking fast) to the nearest stool. Yeah. I don't know what it is about hem/onc that made me almost pass out. I recovered after a few moments of sitting, but I was pretty embarassed.

It looks like this service will be quite different than CCU. For one thing, the patients are much sicker. That surprised me. I figured people in after heart attacks and all would be sicker than people just coming in for chemo. But, the oncology patients that end up in the hospital are S-I-C-K, sick. Not a good place to be.

I have to go finish a write-up now. I can't believe it is already 6pm and I'm still here! This was supposed to be easier (or at least shorter) than CCU. Humph. No yoga tonight... :(

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